Beyond Data, Empowering Decisions: Experience the Future of Business Intelligence

Unlock the potential of your data by utilizing our business intelligence solutions to inform key decisions, streamline day-to-day operations, and improve overall business efficiency.

Maximize your business value with our business intelligence solutions

Our BI experts provide tailored solutions that turn data into insights to drive business success. Trust us for informed decisions.

Talk to our AI experts

BI Consulting

We evaluate your maturity, provide guidance on architecture, and ensure BI success. Trust our experts for comprehensive consulting.

BI Development

Maximize BI ROI with our end-to-end services from assessment to delivery, including data warehousing, OLAP, reporting, dashboards, and analytics.

BI Modernization

Transform your data landscape with new source integration, cloud infrastructure, and self-service BI. Our goal is to deliver measurable impact.

BI Support & Maintenance

Choose our BI services for ongoing support, troubleshooting, and optimization of your BI platform or database to ensure continued success.

Partner with us for smart analytics and innovative solutions

Partner with us to turn your BI vision into reality. We excel in complex projects with advanced BI solutions.

Talk to our AI experts

Custom dashboards

Design tailored dashboards with advanced technologies for engaging data insights.

AI-driven analytics

AI-powered solutions process data, automate tasks, and provide data-driven foresight for strategic planning and forecasting.

Data warehousing

Building custom data warehouses for unified decision-making with quality data.

Self-service BI

Enabling non-technical users with self-service BI tools to manipulate and analyze data in real-time.
a group of three people standing next to each other

Our CoCustomized BI services for various industriesmputer Vision Offerings

Tailored BI solutions for your industry, measuring all aspects of your business and predicting trends through data.

Talk to our AI experts


BI services for finance: budgeting, monitoring, trend identification, profitability analysis, and risk forecasting.

Human Resources

Custom HR BI solutions for performance analysis, workforce planning, payroll, and predicting turnover rate.

Customer Relations

Sales and marketing BI solutions: analyze revenue, customers, call data, track team performance.

Enterprise Leadership

Our BI services for Operations include consolidating data, analyzing performance, strategic planning, and eliminating bottlenecks.


BI for Marketing: Campaign analysis, customer segmentation, behavior prediction, demand forecasting, churn monitoring.


Healthcare BI: Personalized care, cost control, insurance claims, medical device analysis.


BI services for Education: Monitor behavior, analyze performance, plan education & workforce, optimize administration.


Logistics platform with demand visualization, optimized route planning, and real-time monitoring.

Developing Business Intelligence with our methodology

At Angstrom Application, our proprietary and extensively tested method for BI development ensures that your solution will deliver maximum ROI in the shortest time possible

Talk to our AI experts

Starting small

We begin our BI development process by understanding your business, data, and goals to prioritize impactful use cases.

Building MVP

After defining goals and use cases, we create an MVP by collecting and integrating data into a data warehouse, testing functionality, and gathering user feedback.

Scaling up

Iteratively enhance BI with user feedback, new data sources, and best practices for data management.

Our clients

We worked and still work with top of the tier fortune 500 companies

Angstrom Leads the Way in AI and Data Science Solutions

Angstrom excels in AI and data science, revolutionizing industries with cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions.